How to grow and look after Cattleya Orchids - Oldboy's Flowers

How to grow and look after Cattleya Orchids

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Are you considering growing Cattleya Orchids in your garden or home? Known for their beautiful and captivating blooms, these exotic flowers can make a stunning addition to any outdoor or indoor space. However, before you take on this horticultural project, it’s important to understand just what’s involved with caring for these plants. In this care guide, we'll provide an introduction on how to grow and look after cattleya orchids so that you can enjoy these beauties in the comfort of your own home!

Points covered within this must-read guide:

1. What type of environment do Cattleya Orchids need in order to grow and thrive?

2. How much sunlight and water do they require on a daily basis?

3. What type of soil mix should be used for their potting medium?

4. Which fertilizers are best for them?

5. How often should they be repotted?

6. How to propagate new plants from existing ones?


1. What type of environment do Cattleya Orchids need in order to grow and thrive?

Cattleya Orchids have a very particular set of needs when it comes to their environment in order for them to grow and thrive. Cattleya Orchids require lots of indirect sunlight to keep from wilting, so placing them near a window that gets good indirect light is key. It's imperative that their soil stay moist but not wet, so making sure the Cattleya is potted in something partially porous is advisable. The temperature also needs to remain consistent; Cattleyas don't respond well to too many fluctuations. The temperature should stay between 16-25 degrees Celsius with lower temperatures at night. They also need plenty of fresh air as stagnant air fosters disease. Cattleya Orchids do best when fertilized regularly with balanced houseplant fertilizer and watered atleast once a week - make sure drainage is sufficient! With the correct environment, Cattleya Orchids will look stunning for years to come.These conditions allow for Cattleyas to flourish and create magnificent beauty indoors and outside or wherever you choose to plant them.


 2. How much sunlight and water do they require on a daily basis?


Cattleya orchids grow best when given at least four to six hours of indirect sunlight each day and watered regularly. To keep cattleya orchids healthy and blooming, make sure to water them two to three times a week, ensuring that their soil stays evenly moist but not soggy. Additionally, they will benefit from bright, indirect sunlight the remainder of the day. With proper care and attention, these beautiful plants can be a gorgeous addition to any room!


3. What type of soil mix should be used for their potting medium?


Cattleyas are one of the most popular types of orchids, and for good reason: they grow big and colorful flowers, which makes them delightful to grow. However, if you're looking to grow these orchids successfully, you need to be sure that you have the right soil. Commercial growing mixes made specifically for orchids have proven to be the optimal soil mix for Cattleya cultivars due to their unique blend of various ingredients including fir bark, sequoia bark, perlite leds, horticultural charcoal, coconut husk chips, tree fern fiber, clay pellets and gravel. All of these components are essential for providing your orchid with the moisture sensitivity and well-draining soil it needs in order to thrive. With the proper care and soil mix in place, you can be sure that your Cattleya will grow healthy and beautiful!


4. Which fertilizers are best for them?


If you want your Cattleyas to look their best, liquid fertiliser is an essential part of the feeding routine. Instead of using any old liquid fertiliser product, it's important to opt for a fertiliser that's specifically tailored to the needs of orchids, like our much-loved orchid fertiliser care kit. This feeding solution provides your Cattleyas with the nutrients needed for health and beauty: think bigger and brighter flowers! As for frequency, feed every week during its growing and flowering seasons, but every second week when it's resting; easy peasy.


5. How often should they be repotted?


Repotting Cattleyas is an exercise that should be done every few years to keep these beautiful flowers healthy and flourishing. When repotting, there are some telltale signs to look out for: if the pseudobulbs reach the edge of their pot, or if you notice deterioration in the growing medium, snow mold inside the potting medium, or green mold on the surface of the potting medium. Repotting should be done in springtime as this is when the growing season begins - it’s a great opportunity to give your Cattleyas a fresh start! The repotted plants will reward you with a new wave of growth and long-lasting beauty.


6. How to propagate new plants from existing ones?


Cattleya flower stems are an enchanting sight—they develop from a pseudobulb, which grows from a new bud at the base of the plant. As the plant matures, it sports more and more pseudobulbs; if there are more than 8 pseudobulbs, dividing the thick rhizome is recommended and is your best bet for potting on. This dividing should take place when the plant isn't in flower so you won't lose any blooms in the process. Dividing is an easy and effective way to propogate these beautiful flowers without having to start all over again with a brand new one!




To sum up, Cattleya Orchids must be cared for correctly in order to grow and thrive. They require partial shade with 4-6 hours of indirect sunlight each day, and should be watered every other day with lukewarm water. For the soil mix, a combination of bark and perlite is most preferable. Any balanced fertilizer will work well in providing nutrition, although Cattleya Liquid Fertiliser is specifically designed for these exotic plants. Repotting should occur once or twice a year to prevent overcrowding of roots and periodically divide large clumps into smaller ones as they grow. With patience and regular care taking, you’ll have your own thriving Cattleya Orchid garden in no time! So what are you waiting for? Shop Cattleya Orchids today and get started on creating your very own living art masterpiece! And while you’re at it, make sure to pick up some Cattleya Liquid Fertiliser for the best results!

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