Liliums - (Lilies) Asiatic & LA Hybrids are perfect flowers to give your garden a vibrant burst of colour! These lilies come in a mix of bold and cheerful shades that will give off an eye-catching effect throughout the fall season. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, but they also require minimal maintenance. These Asiatic and LA hybrids bloom from October to December and are easily multiplied, making them highly resilient for years to come. Unscented, these lilies are guaranteed to bring a unique charm to any garden without overpowering the senses. They are perfect to use as borders for beds or as masses of colour in larger areas! Order now and bring life into your garden with Liliums - Asiatic & LA Hybrids!
- Easy to grow
- Creates a fantastic floral display in your garden
- Many Colours!
- Supplied as a dormant bulb